Discovering the future of
digital media literacy

By convening the world’s educators, policymakers, industry leaders, students and youth, the McLuhan Foundation will explore the impact of digital media in the 21st century. We want you to join us.

Contact Us  ———

Educators, young people, policymakers, and citizens are struggling to keep up with the march of technological progress.

At the McLuhan Foundation, we’re helping to identify and build the networks to support the critical thinking and agency that educators, young people, and all of us need.

A village square for practitioners, leaders and innovators.

We are reimagining digital media literacy for the 21st century—and we need the world’s greatest minds to help us do it.

We’re bringing educators, researchers, industry leaders, and students together to imagine and experiment with new ways to empower young people with a critical perspective on digital media.

Participatory Research  ———

Building global networks for implementation.

We’re strengthening the world’s community of digital media literacy champions. We want to empower these educators, policymakers, and organizations to bring the solutions we discover together into communities, classrooms, curricula, policy and programs across the globe.

Partnership building  ———

Supplying our sector with the knowledge of the collective.

We have built an online platform to connect people who make digital media literacy their mission. We convene virtually to share our discoveries, best practices, and critical perspectives on digital media and technology.

Our Virtual Network  ———

Going beyond content, and thinking critically about the technology.

We want to expand the field’s definition of media literacy to include a greater focus on the impact of technology and media. McLuhan’s probe–that the medium is the message–informs our approach.

About Us  ———

“We live invested in an electric information environment that is quite as imperceptible to us as water is to fish.”

Marshall McLuhan, Counterblast (1970)