What We Do

We’re building real and virtual spaces, networks, and frameworks that will allow the study of digital media literacy to evolve. Our focus is on convening, probing, and connecting the field’s thinkers, researchers and practitioners. Our activities reflect this focus.

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Participatory Applied Research

Our understanding of the impact of digital media and technology in the 21st century is limited. For the benefit of students, educators, and policy makers alike, we are engaging in participatory applied research to discover innovative ways to enable young people to become critical users of digital media. We do this in several ways:

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The Virtual Platform: The Global Village Square

Opportunities for communication, exchange and collaboration in the field of media literacy have been limited. We have built an online platform and partnerships where leading thinkers, organizations, community members and industry players can come together to share information, insights and best practices. This will be an ongoing way to keep the community connected and coordinated beyond annual conferences and regional events.

The platform is a global space for members of the field to:

Showcase resources and best practices

Share relevant events and initiatives

Offer webinars and training sessions

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Public Engagement

Finally, engage the public through a series of real and virtual events, spaces and local appeals. Some of the key initiatives include: